Encompass Therapy provides cancer rehabilitation and lymphatic therapy to Newcastle and the Hunter Valley

Targeted gentle treatments to manage pain, swelling, scarring and movement restriction so that you can function better and live well

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ALA Accredited Lymphoedema Therapist and RESTORE Scar Therapy Practitioner

Drawing on over 25 years of clinical experience, Encompass Therapy helps you get more from life with targeted occupational therapy. Owner and nationally accredited lymphoedema therapist, Roseanne Baxter, believes anyone can function better and live well, regardless of injury, illness or age.

Encompass Therapy is ready to help you manage the impacts of pain, swelling, scarring and restricted movement. With a special interest in cancer rehabilitation, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Roseanne will support you with quality treatment for cancer side effects, lymphoedema, lipoedema, post-surgical scarring and more.

  • Cancer Rehabilitiation

    Targeted therapy to minimise side effects such as pain, movement restriction, swelling and scarring to maximise function and improve wellbeing during and after cancer treatment.

  • Lymphatic Therapy

    Treatment to promote increased lymphatic system function to better manage lymphoedema, lipoedema and problem limb swelling associated with cellulitis, DVT, diabetes and peripheral vascular disease.

  • Scar Management

    Therapies and treatments to minimise the impact of scarring (both on the skin and deep in the body) to promote more normal appearance, sensation and function.

  • Soft Tissue Injury Management

    Therapies and treatments for general musculo-skeletal conditions that cause pain, impair movement and affect everyday function.

  • Work Related Services

    Help and support for injury management, ergonomic assessment, task analysis, return-to-work coordination, health coaching and education.

Assessment & management of problem swelling to reduce risk of cellulitis, ulcers, and other skin conditions.

Treatment of scarring using gentle hands-on techniques such as low-level laser, glide cupping, kinesio taping and more.

Targeted treatment of swelling using sequential intermittent compression pumps.

Prescription & fitting of compression garments and wraps.

Treatment of muscle-skeletal conditions, including dry needling, soft tissue massage and movement pattern analysis.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage and strategies for self-treatment.

Diagnosis and management of lipoedema.

Assistance with injury or illness management & return-to-work.

Comprehensive decongestive treatment for chronic swelling.

Assessment and management of lymphoedema.

You don’t have to manage cancer on your own.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis sees a seismic shift in your life. While support may be available in the active treatment phase, you may feel all alone once it ends. With a special interest in cancer rehabilitation, we are here to help you manage the symptoms and side effects of cancer, wherever you are along your cancer journey.

It’s time to enjoy life again.

Are you tired of living with pain, swelling or discomfort? Encompass Therapy is here to help. A registered occupational therapist and accredited lymphedema therapist, get in touch to see how we can help you function better and live well.